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GRIP Thoughts - August 31, 2016

I have always loved reading Psalms. David had such a close relationship with God. It was such a real and personal friendship involving both talking and listening. David had gone through many ups and downs in his life, but always delighted in God. In Psalm 98:1-3, David reflects on and remembers God’s goodness. In verse three, David reminds us that all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

David is such an example to me of how I should trust God in all circumstances. He reminds me that I need to be more thankful in all things. In Psalm 100:2, David says, “Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” If serving Him should make us joyful then serving Him should make us happy. If you are not delighting in God, then obeying Him seems like a chore and a burden. But listen to how many of these chapters start: “Bless the LORD,” “Oh give thanks to the LORD,” “Praise the LORD,” “My heart is steadfast O God,” and the list goes on.

In Psalm 107:9, David reminds us that God satisfies the thirsty soul. That verse reminds me of Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” David’s love and close friendship with God are also what I desire in my life. It is very encouraging to read through the Psalms!

-Kenton Giesbrecht
(Director of Outreach)

Categories: Bible , Grip