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GRIP Thoughts - April 7, 2016

You may have heard me mention before that Joshua is one of my favorite books so you can then guess that I am excited to be here in our reading. Actually, I very much enjoy the next number of books (Joshua – Esther) which are known as the Historical Books. 

Edmund Burke observed that “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” The implication here is that without studying the past we will be doomed to repeat our mistakes.  However, in the case of the book of Joshua, rather than mistakes, we find lots of successes documented that we would do well to learn from and repeat. 

This week in Joshua we see the Israelites finally making it to the Promised Land. It is hard to overlook the importance of faithful obedience to God as key to success.  Joshua was obedient.  We meet Rahab who stepped out in faithful obedience.  And as the people are obedient to God He blesses them in significant and miraculous ways so they can take possession of the land. 

How much we need people like that today! Think of what God might do in us and through us as a church if we were like Joshua and Rahab and the Israelites at this point in time.  And I mean like them in terms of exercising our faith the way they exercised theirs.  Too often we look at these Bible characters and think that they were special when really it was just that they realized and acted on the fact that God is special.  He is the one that is the key.  

When we stop looking at ourselves and focus on God we begin to know and understand Him and His ways, which then gives us the confidence to step out and follow Him with assurance. And at that point, God can bless us just as He did Joshua and the Israelites.

 As we look around today we desperately need God’s intervention and blessing.  And He will be sure to do both just as soon as we begin to focus on Him.

-Doug Baynton
(Lead Pastor)

Categories: Bible , Grip